There is a tiny creature with an amazing ability to put its eggs into a deep sleep. The ten-year hatching cycle of water flea eggs, also known as Daphnia, is quite remarkable. These little critters, which look like specks in the water, can be found in pools, ponds, and lakes all over the world. They might be small, but they have a big impact on their watery homes. And they have a pretty incredible survival tactic.
Can It Really Rain Fish? The Science Behind Fish Falling From The Sky
Have you ever heard of fish falling from the sky? It sounds like something out of a fantasy story, but believe it or not, fish rain is a natural phenomenon. This unusual weather event has been reported in various parts of the world. Get ready to discover the truth about fish falling from the sky and learn why Mother Nature sometimes surprises us with a seafood shower!
Did Dinosaurs Roar? Uncovering the Real Sounds of T-Rex
Have you ever wondered what dinosaurs really sounded like? Did dinosaurs roar like we imagine, or is the truth more complicated? Scientists are uncovering clues about dinosaur vocalizations that might change our thoughts about these ancient creatures.
Birth Of A New Ocean In Africa: How The Continent is Splitting Apart
The East African Rift System (EARS) is slowly splitting the African continent in half. And this massive rift is creating a new ocean in Africa in the process.
Why Do We Yawn? Exploring the Science Behind This Common Human Experience
Yawning is something we all do. And it’s something we do daily. But why? And what exactly is a yawn? Explore the various theories behind yawning, including contagious yawns and other animal species that also yawn
The Curious Case of Cats Missing from the Bible
If you’ve read the Bible, you may have noticed that one particular animal is missing from it. Why are cats missing from the Bible? Our favorite fluffy and full-of-attitude furry friends aren’t included at all. And not only are cats not mentioned, but dogs are mentioned multiple times.