Did you know that tiny, furry creatures can cause big power problems? Squirrels and power outages go hand in hand. In fact, in some areas they cause more power outages than any other source, other animals, and natural disasters combined. These bushy-tailed troublemakers have a knack for getting into places they shouldn’t, often with shocking results (literally!). Squirrels have caused outages in 49 of the 50 US states — the only state missing is Hawaii, and that’s because there are no squirrels there.
Do Elephants Worship the Moon? Fact or Fiction
If you’re on social media, you’ve probably seen enthusiastic creators talk about how elephants worship the moon. But is this, in fact, true, or a ploy for followers? It’s a question that has sparked curiosity and debate. Elephants are known for their intelligence and complex social behaviors and have also long been the subject of myths and legends. This article dives into the world of elephant intelligence and explores the truth behind the moon worship theory.
The Smallest Camelid: All About The Vicuña
Meet the vicuña, a petite and graceful creature roaming South America’s high Andes mountains. With its soft golden-brown coat and delicate features, this pint-sized camelid might just be the most adorable animal you’ve never heard of. It also has some of the best eyelashes! This smallest member of the camel family isn’t much bigger than a large dog, just with longer legs.
The Curious Case of Cats Missing from the Bible
If you’ve read the Bible, you may have noticed that one particular animal is missing from it. Why are cats missing from the Bible? Our favorite fluffy and full-of-attitude furry friends aren’t included at all. And not only are cats not mentioned, but dogs are mentioned multiple times.
Why Weasels Turn White In Winter
Did you know that some weasels’ fur coats change color in the winter? These species of weasels turn white in winter, transforming from a rich brown to a blanched snowy color. This adaptation is not just a whimsical change but a crucial survival tactic in the wild.
Bats Are Not Blind: Debunking the Myth
Did you know the old saying ‘blind as a bat’ is scientifically incorrect? Bats have eyes and bats are not blind. Contrary to popular belief, they can see pretty well. Learn all about how this myth began and why it is so terribly wrong.