How often do earthquakes take place, and why are they so common? And, why don’t we hear about them more? In this article, we’ll delve into the world of earthquakes, the remarkable frequency with which they happen, and the intricate forces that drive their relentless activity.
The First Drive-In Movie Theater
On June 6, 1933, a groundbreaking event took place that would forever American movie culture. This day, the first-ever drive-in movie theatre opened its doors in Pennsauken, New Jersey. This new way of watching movies ushered in a new era of entertainment and set the stage for the rise of the iconic American drive-in culture.
The Amazon River Ran Backward!
The Amazon River used to flow quite differently than it does now. That’s right; the Amazon River ran backward! The reason for this shift in direction eluded scientists for a long time, but now there is a strong hypothesis.