How is the colorblind octopus able to camouflage when it can’t see the colors it’s blending with? The octopus devotes more than 70% of its central brain to visual processing. This makes the octopus’s eyesight one of its most remarkable features.
The Phenomenal 23,000-Mile Journey of Arctic Terns
The Arctic tern migration is a phenomenal 23,000-mile odyssey stretching from the Arctic to the Antarctic and back again. They literally travel from the top of the world to the bottom and back. This bird holds the title for the longest migration in the animal kingdom.
Plastic Eating Mushrooms: A Natural Solution to Pollution?
Mushrooms have the power to tackle one of the most pressing environmental issues of our time. Plastic eating mushrooms are a natural resource that may provide a solution to plastic pollution through the process of biodegradation. These special fungi are not just any ordinary mushrooms; they can break down plastic and transform harmful waste into harmless substances.
How Fish See Color
The vibrant colors of the scales and fins in the ocean and rivers astound us. But do fish see the same way we do? Are the colors as incredible to them as they are to us?
Krill Swarms Are So Massive They’re Visible from Space
These odd-looking little creatures called Antarctic krill play a very important role in the world. Krill swarms are a story of ecological importance, natural marvels, and the delicate balance of our planet’s marine ecosystems.