Can you easily distinguish between the colors blue and green? This seemingly simple task may not be as straightforward as it appears. For centuries, cultures […]
Bats Are Not Blind: Debunking the Myth
Did you know the old saying ‘blind as a bat’ is scientifically incorrect? Bats have eyes and bats are not blind. Contrary to popular belief, they can see pretty well. Learn all about how this myth began and why it is so terribly wrong.
The Surprising Secrets of the Ant Brain
Ants have intricate social structures and create astonishing engineering feats. But did you know that the ant brain is one of the largest brains in the animal kingdom in proportion to its tiny body? That’s right—with its complex behaviors and problem-solving abilities, the humble ant has a brain-to-body ratio that puts even the mighty elephant to shame.
The Amazon River Ran Backward!
The Amazon River used to flow quite differently than it does now. That’s right; the Amazon River ran backward! The reason for this shift in direction eluded scientists for a long time, but now there is a strong hypothesis.
The World’s Fastest Ants
Did you know that some species of ants are among the fastest creatures on the planet? The fastest ants live in the desert and are capable of moving at astonishing speeds that put even the most elite human athletes to shame.